Upcoming Events

Bear Spray Training and Giveaway

Bear Spray Training and Giveaway

In a partnership to raise awareness and promote safety, the Safari Club International Foundation, American Bear Foundation, Shoshone National Forest and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department will distribute bear spray and provide training to members of the public at no cost this month.

Saturday 5 April 2025 @ 10 AM. 

Approximately 100 cans of bear spray will be given away on a first come, first served basis at each location. 

Participants will receive a free can of bear spray after practicing with inert bear spray on “robo bear”, a remote-controlled mock charging bear that simulates a sudden encounter situation. 

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Fishing Alaska

Fishing Alaska

Fishing Alaska

Guest Speaker: Larry Timchak, EYTU Chapter President

Larry will provide give us a presentation on his experiences fishing in Alaska and how you can do so as well.

TU Chapter Meeting: 6:30 PM

Presentation at 7 PM

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Fly Fishing Fair for the Big Horn Basin

Fly Fishing Fair for the Big Horn Basin

Come and learn all the basics of fly fishing. We will have 7 stations to help guide you on your fly fishing journey.

Station 1: Tie a fly

Station 2: Master a knot

Station 3: Cast a fly

Station 4: ID Aquatic insects

Station 5: Learn to read water

Station 6: Learn how to rig a rod

Station 7: Learn about the Bighorn Basin fish rescue program.

We will have some door prizes including an ORVIS Fly Fishing Starter Kit.

Free Trout Unlimited membership to all women in attendance to celebrate Mothers Day!

Also, sign up for the WY HUNT FISH “First on a Fly” mentorship.

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Fisheries Management in Yellowstone National Park

Fisheries Management in Yellowstone National Park

Guest Speaker: Todd Koel, Leader of Native Fish Conservation Program, YNP

Dr. Koel will provide an update on fisheries management and conservation within the Park including Yellowstone Cutthroat restoration efforts, new regulations for the Gardner and Madison Rivers, aquatic invasive species management, and other current issues.

TU Chapter Meeting: 6:30 PM

Presentation at 7 PM

For more information on East Yellowstone Trout Unlimited click to view website.

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Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T)

Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T)

Join us for the second annual Fly Fishing Film tour at the Cody Theatre. Tickets can be purchased at North Fork Anglers ($20 cash only) or online at www.flyfilmtour.com. We hope to see you all there.

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2025 Happy Hour

2025 Happy Hour

Join us for a free happy hour before the Fly Fishing Film Tour showing at the shop from 5:30pm - 7pm. Food and drinks will be provided. See you then!

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers and Instructor Kathy Crofts for a basic fly tying class.

No experience needed. You will need your own equipment. Materials for the 3 flies we will be tying that day will be provided. The instruction is free.

Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are comings

About the Instructor…

Kathy Crofts grew up in Montana fly fishing with her father. She began tying flies in 14 years ago and earned her Bronze Tying Award in 2015. She is a fly fishing guide, casting instructor, member of the North Fork Angler team and really enjoys teaching all things related to fly fishing.

Not only will she show you how to tie the fly bus she’ll show you the bug it mimics, as well as the water to fish it, and the conditions. Although this is a group class expect her to be able to help you individually along the way.

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers and Instructor Kathy Crofts for a basic fly tying class.

No experience needed. You will need your own equipment. Materials for the 3 flies we will be tying that day will be provided. The instruction is free.

Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are comings

About the Instructor…

Kathy Crofts grew up in Montana fly fishing with her father. She began tying flies in 14 years ago and earned her Bronze Tying Award in 2015. She is a fly fishing guide, casting instructor, member of the North Fork Angler team and really enjoys teaching all things related to fly fishing.

Not only will she show you how to tie the fly bus she’ll show you the bug it mimics, as well as the water to fish it, and the conditions. Although this is a group class expect her to be able to help you individually along the way.

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers and Instructor Kathy Crofts for a basic fly tying class.

No experience needed. You will need your own equipment. Materials for the 3 flies we will be tying that day will be provided. The instruction is free.

Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are comings

About the Instructor…

Kathy Crofts grew up in Montana fly fishing with her father. She began tying flies in 14 years ago and earned her Bronze Tying Award in 2015. She is a fly fishing guide, casting instructor, member of the North Fork Angler team and really enjoys teaching all things related to fly fishing.

Not only will she show you how to tie the fly bus she’ll show you the bug it mimics, as well as the water to fish it, and the conditions. Although this is a group class expect her to be able to help you individually along the way.

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers and Instructor Kathy Crofts for a basic fly tying class.

No experience needed. You will need your own equipment. Materials for the 3 flies we will be tying that day will be provided. The instruction is free.

Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are comings

About the Instructor…

Kathy Crofts grew up in Montana fly fishing with her father. She began tying flies in 14 years ago and earned her Bronze Tying Award in 2015. She is a fly fishing guide, casting instructor, member of the North Fork Angler team and really enjoys teaching all things related to fly fishing.

Not only will she show you how to tie the fly bus she’ll show you the bug it mimics, as well as the water to fish it, and the conditions. Although this is a group class expect her to be able to help you individually along the way.

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Public Discussion | North Fork of the Shoshone River Fishery

Public Discussion | North Fork of the Shoshone River Fishery

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department will host a public meeting Jan. 8 to discuss the results of a recent angler preference survey and a proposed change to fishing regulations on the North Fork of the Shoshone River and Buffalo Bill Reservoir west of Cody. 


The public is invited to attend the meeting from 6-8 p.m. at the Cody Regional Game and Fish office Jan. 8. The results of a four-year tagging study will also be presented.


Currently, the North Fork of the Shoshone River drainage from Newton Creek downstream to Gibbs Bridge is closed to fishing from April 1 through June 30. The creel limit on trout in the North Fork and Buffalo Bill Reservoir in Park County is three per day, or in possession. No more than two shall be cutthroat trout, and no more than one trout shall exceed 18 inches. 


The proposed change to this regulation is a seasonal closure from April 15 through June 30 from Newton Creek to Gibbs Bridge, and a creel limit on trout for the river and reservoir of six per day, or in possession. No more than two shall be rainbow, rainbow/cutthroat hybrid or cutthroat trout.

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers for a basic fly tying class.

No experience needed. You will need your own equipment and materials. The instruction is free.

Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are coming.

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Christmas Social and Pot Luck

Christmas Social and Pot Luck

Celebrate the Season with East Yellowstone Trout Unlimited!

Update- if you have any lightly used or new fly-fishing gear you no longer use, please consider donating items to our silent auction at the upcoming Christmas party. Please drop off any donated items to North Fork Anglers.  Thanks!

Christmas Social and Pot Luck

Tuesday,December 10, 5 PM till 9 PM

Cody Auditorium Clubroom, 1240 Beck Avenue

EYTU will provide the entrees, brisket and pullted pork, bring potluck dish

Bring your own liquid refreshments

Gift exchange- please limit gift value to $25 or less

Silent auction

Door prizes and fun for all!

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Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers for a basic fly tying class. You will need your own equipment and materials but, the instruction is free. Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are coming.

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Fly Tying Class

Come join North Fork Anglers for a basic fly tying class. You will need your own equipment and materials but, the instruction is free. Please give us a call prior to the class so we know you are coming

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Bear Spray Training and Giveaway

Bear Spray Training and Giveaway

In a partnership to raise awareness and promote safety, the Safari Club International Foundation, American Bear Foundation, Shoshone National Forest and the Wyoming Game and Fish Department will distribute bear spray and provide training to members of the public at no cost this month.

Aug. 25 2 p.m. 

Cody Game and Fish Cody Regional Office, 2 Tilden Trail

 Approximately 100 cans of bear spray will be given away on a first come, first served basis at each location. 


Participants will receive a free can of bear spray after practicing with inert bear spray on “robo bear”, a remote-controlled mock charging bear that simulates a sudden encounter situation. 

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Kid’s Fishing Day

Kid’s Fishing Day

Kid's Fishing Day which will be held on the first Saturday in June.

  • First Saturday in June. Coincides with Wyoming statewide "Free Fishing Day".

  • Check-in and Registration will be held at the entrance building to Beck Lake Park in Cody.

  • EYTU Chapter volunteers will be available to help children with fishing skills.

  • Prizes and lunch will be provided.

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Fisheries update from Yellowstone NP

Fisheries update from Yellowstone NP

The East Yellowstone chapter of Trout Unlimited (EYCTU) monthly meeting is offering the following presentation to the public. You do not have to be a member to attend.

Time: Doors open at 6:00 PM; Business meeting from 6 PM to 6:30 PM; program at 7 PM.

Program: Fisheries update from Yellowstone NP

Speaker: Todd Koel

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Bighorn Basin Community Fly Fishing Fair (At the Cody Wyoming Game and Fish Office)

Bighorn Basin Community Fly Fishing Fair (At the Cody Wyoming Game and Fish Office)

Come and learn all the basics of fly fishing. We will have 7 stations to help guide you on your fly fishing journey.

1.) Tie a fly 2.) Master a knot 3.) Cast a fly 4.) ID Aquatic insects 5.) Learn to read water 6.) Learn how to rig a rod 7.) Learn about the Bighorn Basin fish rescue program.

We will have some door prizes including an ORVIS Fly Fishing Starter Kit. Free Trout Unlimited membership to all women in attendance to celebrate Mothers Day! Also, sign up for the WY HUNT FISH “First on a Fly” mentorship.

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The Importance of a Drag Free Drift

The Importance of a Drag Free Drift

The East Yellowstone chapter of Trout Unlimited (EYCTU) monthly meeting is offering the following presentation to the public. You do not have to be a member to attend.

Time: Doors open at 6:00 PM; Business meeting from 6 PM to 6:30 PM; program at 7 PM.

Program: The Importance of a Drag Free Drift

Brett French is the outdoor editor at the Billings Gazette newspaper in Montana’s largest city where he has lived the past 25 years. He is a Montana native and graduate of the University of Montana School of Journalism. His career in newspapers stretches back 39 years. In that time he has written stories about everything from city council to murders, with his more recent focus on natural resource issues, land and wildlife management agencies and Yellowstone National Park.

Speakers: Brett French, Outdoor Editor, Billing Gazette

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Flushing flows on the Lower Shoshone
to Apr 11

Flushing flows on the Lower Shoshone

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department would like to make sportspersons and recreationists aware of sizable increases in water flows in the Shoshone River below Buffalo Bill Dam April 8-11 as part of a flushing flow project.

 The Bureau of Reclamation has scheduled this flushing flow at the request of Game and Fish and in coordination with Willwood Workgroup Two.  Willwood Irrigation District, in coordination with Willwood Workgroup Two, is planning a controlled elevated release of sediment from Willwood Dam April 9. 

 The purpose of the increased flows from Buffalo Bill Dam is to help protect the fishery by transporting the sediment released from behind Willwood Dam downstream. This increased flow is expected to improve conditions throughout the Shoshone River. The sediment release and increased flow are being coordinated to minimize impacts to irrigators, recreationists and aquatic life in the Shoshone River.

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Beartooth Angling Opportunites

Beartooth Angling Opportunites

The East Yellowstone chapter of Trout Unlimited (EYCTU) monthly meeting is offering the following presentation to the public. You do not have to be a member to attend.

Time: Doors open at 6:00 PM; Business meeting from 6 PM to 6:30 PM; program at 7 PM.

Program: Montana's Beartooth Mountain Lakes, Management, Sampling and Angling Opportunity

Speakers: Bryan Giodano and Ben Bailey, Beartooth Fisheries Biologist, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Park

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Join us for an immersive free fly tying class at the shop! Participants are encouraged to bring their own fly tying equipment, or they can conveniently purchase high-quality supplies at our shop. This engaging class runs throughout the winter, providing the perfect opportunity to refine your skills during the off-season. Call now to reserve your spot and dive into the world of fly tying!

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Join us for an immersive free fly tying class at the shop! Participants are encouraged to bring their own fly tying equipment, or they can conveniently purchase high-quality supplies at our shop. This engaging class runs throughout the winter, providing the perfect opportunity to refine your skills during the off-season. Call now to reserve your spot and dive into the world of fly tying!

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North Fork Trout Tagging Study

North Fork Trout Tagging Study

The next meeting of the East Yellowstone Chapter of Trout Unlimited (EYTU) will be held on Tuesday, January 9 at Wyoming Game and Fish Conference Room.

Doors open at 5:30 PM; The EYTU members Business meeting from 6 PM to 6:30 PM; program at 7 PM. Visitors are welcome to attend the business meeting.

Program: “Trout Population Trends in the Lower Shoshone River” presented by Jason Burckhardt, WY G&F Fisheries Biologist

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Join us for an immersive free fly tying class at the shop! Participants are encouraged to bring their own fly tying equipment, or they can conveniently purchase high-quality supplies at our shop. This engaging class runs throughout the winter, providing the perfect opportunity to refine your skills during the off-season. Call now to reserve your spot and dive into the world of fly tying!

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Join us for an immersive free fly tying class at the shop! Participants are encouraged to bring their own fly tying equipment, or they can conveniently purchase high-quality supplies at our shop. This engaging class runs throughout the winter, providing the perfect opportunity to refine your skills during the off-season. Call now to reserve your spot and dive into the world of fly tying!

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Fly Tying Class

Fly Tying Class

Join us for an immersive free fly tying class at the shop! Participants are encouraged to bring their own fly tying equipment, or they can conveniently purchase high-quality supplies at our shop. This engaging class runs throughout the winter, providing the perfect opportunity to refine your skills during the off-season. Call now to reserve your spot and dive into the world of fly tying!

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Fly Fishing Film Tour

Fly Fishing Film Tour

The annual Fly Fishing Film Tour is a traveling roadshow of the best fly fishing films in the world. Through a submission process, films are selected to bring some of the best content to the big screen in beautiful Cody, Wyoming.

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